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Player FM Podcast App : Player FM Podcast App
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موضوع: Player FM Podcast App : Player FM Podcast App

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    تاریخ عضویت
    May 2012
    عنوان کاربر
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    محل سکونت
    نوشته ها
    می پسندم
    سپاس از شما
    8,363 بار در 5,159 پست
    میزان اعتبار کاربر
    21,000 تومان
    مبلغ حمایت شده از کاربر
    21000 تومان
    اطلاعات کامپیوتر
    میزان امتیاز

    Player FM Podcast App : Player FM Podcast App

    Player FM Podcast App : Player FM Podcast App
    [فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ]

    • Per-series downloads – set how many episodes to download for your subscribed series
    Free cloud podcast app that syncs across devices, helps you discover great shows, and plays offline. Free forever with no ads and minimal permissions. Premium features launch later this year. Features: Companion web app, Tablet+Chromecast+Android Wear, Speed control, Sleep timer, Material design, Search 3 million episodes, Personal recommendations, Homescreen+lockscreen widgets, Interactive notification, Play local files, Flexible settings. Android Central: “Just looks amazing … packed with useful features … tell it what you’re interested in and watch it work its magic” LifeHacker: “Guides you to smart, interesting podcasts” Tested: “Right from the start, I found the experience of using Player FM enjoyable” All About Android: Winner, app arena [فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ] GigaOm: “Makes podcasts look cool again” CLOUD SYNC ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS Like Spotify or YouTube, your subscriptions sync in the cloud so you can setup once for life and use the app on multiple devices. The cloud model also saves you bandwidth and battery by fetching feeds in the server instead of checking every publisher’s server for updates. FOLLOW TOPICS, NOT JUST SHOWS Get fresh recommendations on your favorite topics, ready for immediate streaming or download. Our catalogue goes deep, with 500+ niche topics to follow. Not just “Tech”, but “Android”, “Gaming”, “Programming”, etc. Follow your favorite TV show, sport, industry, etc. OFFLINE-READY Subscriptions and Play Later lists proactively downloaded for offline use, with auto-cleanup. All highly configurable. FULL BACKLOG Browse shownotes for all episodes in the publisher’s feed and immediately stream any episode or save it for later even if you’re not subscribed. You can even search full shownotes for over 3 million episodes. PLAY HISTORY Resume where you left off, mark played, browse your history. LEAVE ANYTIME Your subscriptions import and export as OPML in case you ever want to move to another app #sadface. WORKS GREAT WITH Chromecast, Android Wear, Samsung Gear S (#Gear_Rich_Notifications), enhanced sound on Dolby® Digital Plus™ compatible devices, LG Quick Circle™, Music Boss integration on Android Wear, Podlove Subscribe button. FREE FOREVER WITH NO ADS Manage up to 20 subscriptions, enable Gold trial directly in the app for unlimited subscriptions + other benefits (Gold launches later this year but you can activate the trial now). ACTIVELY DEVELOPED AND SUPPORTED We’re always working to improve the app. We love your feedback and respond quickly to every mail, so get in touch at [فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ] if you have any questions or suggestions! We’re also active and respond on Twitter, Google+, Facebook. Join our Google+ beta community for news and early access to new features (currently Play Later re-ordering). [فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ]

    [فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ][فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ][فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ][فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ]

    [فقط کاربران ثبت نام شده قادر به مشاهده لینکها هستند . ]

    موضوعات مشابه:

    انان كه با افكاري پاك و فطرتي زيبا در قلب ديگران جاي دارند را هرگز هراسي از فراموشي نيست چرا كه جاودانند

    * * کوروش بزرگ * *

    کاربر مقابل پست Mojtaba عزیز را پسندیده است:

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